Jacqui's experience November 2021

"Over the past few days we've had guest teachers come and share with us yoga philosophy, the history of yoga, Hindu mythology and traditional origins. Karuna took us through the more spiritual side of yoga and taught us practices like Yoga Nidra from a theory side. She demonstrated this with an experiential class of Yoga Nidra. We also explored the Chakral system & 5 realms of yoga.

Brendon took us though the history of all the great yogis for inspiration. Then he shared the various different applications of yoga. He kept his classes dynamic and energised by mixing up theory with practical sessions. He inspired us to have a good think about creative applications for yoga and where we might want to take our practice when we leave here & are certified instructors. He also explained how you would teach yoga to different people/ bodies - ie. children, teenagers, prisoners, elderly, corporate etc, and the appropriate type of flow.

We have had some free time to visit the local Wainui falls & Waikoropupu springs, or get massages, visit the beach, the local spa and take a few trips into town to check out the local artisans & farmers market. It’s been nourishing and relaxing, yet content full and informative and there's still a few day's to go on our onsite immersion."

Jacqui Burfoot, November YTT 2020

Aeven Kelly