Loved the experience

I was super excited to arrive at immersion and was immediately struck by the beauty of the location. What a place!
I found each trainer and session valuable and I especially resonated with Swami Karma Karuna. She has a sense of authenticity about her that I find incredibly magnetic. She knows her subjects incredibly well and super patient with questions.
I also resonated with Brendan Sakey. His depth of knowledge of yogic philosophy and his fascinating travel stories captured me. His ‘yoga in prisons’ program inspired me.
I enjoyed learning about more about yogic philosophy and lifestyle the most. Our morning circles to look at the Yamas and Niyamas has started a daily practice for me which is super useful.
I really enjoyed practicing and learning more about Yoga Nidra at YTT. I’m now fascinated by the subject and regularly practice Yoga Nidra at home.

Sue Walsh

November 2019
Making the mandala together at the end That was really special I also thoroughly enjoyed going out on the waka with Steve.
I would recommend it because of the people involved. We had a collection of high quality learned trainers from all over the country to guide us on our yogic journey.
The course runs like clockwork and everything feels very professional. The accommodation at the Sandcastle is dreamy and rustic and Pohara beach is a stunning backdrop.

Aeven Kelly