The last few days of my YTT

The last couple of days shifted gear from hardcore study and practice into more integrative spaces. We sat and held malas together in the now familiar shala space, and chanted 108 (the sacred number of infinity) of the mantra of Tara, the goddess of active compassion. Afterwards the circle of women crackled with the electric bliss generated by the sound. I was pretty sure I was about to levitate. Woah!

Our day off was a blissful blend of visiting the sacred and stunning Te Waikoropupu Springs, coffee and cake, and bargain hunting in Takaka's beautiful crafty boutique stores and op shops. By evening we were blissed out to the max.

The closing ceremony on our last morning together provided a silent space for all participants to gather leaves, sticks, stones, flowers and other sacred items, and cocreate a magnificent mandala. We all blessed it with our prayers and good intentions. Everyone was feeling alot and didn't quite know how to express it. This ritual held the space for us all too process our experience and bid farewell perfectly.

Endless gratitude to Aeven for her tireless energy, support, compassion and so much more. You modelled the yoga philosophy we've been learning at every second and minute, through every challenge and celebration. What a role model. I feel profoundly grateful for having been involved in this deeply special space. Namaste!

Lorna Thomas

Aeven Kelly